Radio Shuttle for Cold Store


Automated warehouse racking is now an important part of modern logistics and storage systems. In recent years, the shuttle rack system, also called the pallet shuttle or the radio shuttle cold store system, has become more common.

This deep lane storage and retrieval system is made for cold storage settings and has a special rack and a mobile shuttle. The shuttle, which is controlled by a wireless remote, is used with a manual forklift to make it easier to store and move things. The manual forklift doesn’t go into the storage area like standard forklifts. Instead, the person driving the forklift sends wireless storage orders to the shuttle, which does the rest.

The shuttle rack system is great for high-density storage and is used in many different fields, such as the army, pharmacy, food and beverage, freezer, machinery, flexible wire, storage, appliances, metallurgy, ports, airports, business, and high-tech. It is a good way to cut down on the amount of work needed, make better use of space, save money on storage, and improve overall business management.

In conclusion, the shuttle rack system is a useful addition to automated warehouse racking technology that makes storage and retrieval easier and more reliable in cold storage settings. With its wireless remote control and efficient storage processes, this system has changed the way modern warehouses work and will continue to be a major player in the industry for years to come.

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