Medium Duty Mobile Shelving


A mobile shelving system can be an effective solution for optimizing storage space. The medium duty rack stands out among the various varieties of mobile shelving as a versatile option capable of supporting up to 500kg per level.

The medium duty mobile shelving system consists of mobile base units with shafts and wheels that travel on floor-mounted tracks. Medium duty mobile shelving is equipped with an electrical motor control, as opposed to light duty mobile shelving, which requires manual exertion on a handle to move the storage unit. This motor-driven shaft and wheels provide effortless access to and retrieval of stowed items by facilitating the storage unit’s movement along the tracks.

To comprehend what we mean by medium duty, it is necessary to consider the weight capacity of this form of shelving. As mentioned previously, medium duty shelving can support up to 500kg per level. Notably, mobile shelving that supports less than 200kg per level falls under the category of light-duty shelving. When the long span shelving is constructed with higher and longer compartments, a manual handle may be insufficient to move it. In such situations, mobile electrically powered shelving is the optimal solution.

The flexibility afforded by the medium duty mobile shelving is a significant advantage. It is available with and without floor tracks, making it adaptable to various storage environments. The tracks provide stability and assist with shelf alignment, whereas the trackless option provides more floor space and eliminates the need for structural modifications.

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